Steve G, 2010-09-12 12:45:02

I’m just planning a holiday in Kansas and came across this trail in the Kansas visitors guide. It’s just the sort of thing I like to do, but flying from the UK I’m not going to have a bike with me. I was hoping I might be able to rent a bike, but I’m not having any luck finding anything.

There’s an opportunity there for an enterprising person to set up a business one day, but for now I’m going to have to give this a miss.

Best Wishes.

Timon of Athens, 2010-09-12 16:22:12
If your plans include Lawrence, there are many shops there that would be happy to rent to you. Sunflower Outdoor and Bike is one good option with very reasonable rates. You can check them out at

Have a good trip and hope to see you on the trail!


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