jlovitt, 2010-07-21 12:45:08
With the Flint Hills Trail and others coming along that are going to be free, will the Prairie Spirit Trail ever be free to ride on? If not, I think it’s going to cut down on its use.
Timon of Athens, 2010-07-22 12:52:41
Even though it has officially become a state park now, I think they will keep the fee. It’s low enough that I don’t think many will mind paying it. It’s worth it for the restrooms and water fountains at the trailheads. Also, it is currently your only option for distance. The FHNT is only about 19 miles currently.

Also, don’t underestimate the effects of being put on the state maps and additional signage. I lived in Lawrence for many years before I heard about the trail, and that was through my own research. I then rode it several times before I came across anything about the FHNT, and it crosses the PST.

Anyway, I just buy my yearly pass and never worry about it.

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