my_bicycle_saved_me, 2012-09-09 18:49:38
Myself and a buddy rode the trail Saturday. Ottawa-Welda-Ottawa. This was my first-ever metric century, and ended up at 70 miles.

This was the furthest I’d gone on the trail since the brutal heat of summer and I can attest to the VERY rough condition caused by the heat & drought. Many cracks, holes, uneven terrain, etc. Brought me some pain to see this trail that I’ve come to love in such distress. I’m considering volunteering my time to help them restore it during this winter.

We stopped for lunch in Garnett, where we ate at Tradewinds ( I’ve previously submitted a review for it, but I’ll again say the food was excellent and the service fast & friendly. I was also impressed once again with the kindness of people in this town. Nearly *everyone* in the place asked me & my buddy, at some point in our stop, where we were going on the trail, where we started, how long we’d been riding today. Very friendly folks. Garnett has a special place in my heart.

The trail was a little soft in the morning from the recent rain, but by afternoon it was pretty firm; and I rode another 30 miles today (to Richmond & back) and found it back to normal. There were a total of 4 trees that we encountered which had fallen across the path; we broke down all 4 of them and rolled them clear of the trail.

I have a brief writeup including the pictures of the trees on my blog here:

rebelLT, 2012-09-10 07:11:30
Congrats on the ride. I rode from Iola to Garnett and back last Tuesday. The second half of that ride was brutal due to the 100 degree plus heat. I found the trail to be in better shape than it had been a few months ago when I last rode and some repairs had been made. I rode with a guy who had never been on the trail before and is a mountain bike guy. He was amazed and impressed. I stopped in Colony on the way back and the bar wasnt open yet so I didnt get a beer mid ride, which I like to do. Oh well.
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