mimiandpapa, 2015-01-14 15:51:06
Planning to ride trail in April, starting in Iola and going to Ottawa, then return. Looking for places to stay and leave car.
JD_Shawnee, 2015-03-10 11:15:49
You can probably park in Iola’s small trailhead park okay. Yet I’d be temped to park in the large motel parking lot across the street east overnight. It has more light.

In Ottawa, I’ve stayed in the Knight’s Inn at 17th & Main which is closer to the old downtown area than the motels near I-35 further south. It’s clean and neat, and has a continental breakfast. Yet the motels near I-35 are very nice. All of them are one-block east of the trail.

If you end up in Garnett, the Economy Inn at the north end of town (Hwy-59 aka Maple & Park Streets) is closest to the trail, about three blocks west of it. It’s North End cafĂ© puts out a fabulous breakfast. Happy riding.

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